
Friday, June 17, 2022

Back home again

We got home yesterday evening from our Nashville trip.  It's always good to get home and sleep in your own bed.  I worked on Monday and Tuesday at the booth in the Exhibit Hall, and with a heat index well over 100 on Wednesday (free day) we ended up doing nothing but hang out in the hotel.  We didn't plan far enough in advance to get tickets to an Opry show or some of the indoor activities I checked, and it was just too hot and humid for some of the outdoor things.  I'll plan better for the next trip. 

When you've been gone almost a week, there is always a lot waiting once home again.  Dave mowed the lawn quickly before it got dark last night.  I went for a few groceries.  This morning I'm tackling the laundry and the mail.  

In the mail was this lovely little fat quarter bundle.  It was a prize for participating in the charity project Hands2Help.  Thank you Mari - for hosting/coordinating the project this year, and for sending me such a great prize!!  This will be fun to use in something new.   

Another fun thing in the mail was a letter announcing my 50 year class reunion in August in Minnesota.  Hmmm - now to rearrange my calendar a bit so that I can attend.  

And now that the laundry is started and I've made a dent in the mail, I'm going down to my sewing room. After all - my husband left for the golf course an hour ago already!

1 comment:

  1. You are the same age as my baby brother, he is on the planning end of his 50th reunion in August also! Hope you get to go to yours, I skipped mine but went to my husbands:) Many more friends in his class than mine!


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