
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Continuing with blue

Bright blue really popped out as I finished up the 8 kaleidoscope blocks yesterday.  I bought this laser cut kit because the butterfly fabric really caught my eye.  As I assembled the blocks, the brilliant jewel colors certainly made me happy, especially that bright blue. 

There were the pieces for 8 of these 6.5" blocks in the little kit.  I'm not really sure yet, just how I want to use the 8 blocks.  Nine blocks would have been easier to work with.  I will just leave these on my design wall for awhile and give it some thought.  

One more blue Twinkle Star joined the collection yesterday too.  

And one more Ohio Star happened as well.  

The weekend is expected to be really hot and miserable, so I anticipate plenty of time spent in my sewing room avoiding that heat.  I've pulled fabrics for the 3 versions of the Saturday Sampler blocks, so those will be my first priority.  Beyond that I plan to work more on the UFOs on my list for the month of June.  There may not be much blue in any of those projects.  Although . . . there is a new Quilt of Valor project that might just take precedence.  

Granddaughter Sophia has a softball game on tomorrow afternoon, and my husband seems to think we'll be just fine going to the game in spite of the 102 temps predicted.  I have major doubts but we'll see what comes about!

What else happened with blue this week for RSC?


  1. The blocks from the kit just glow, so beautiful! It's hard to know what to do with 8 blocks though, good luck with that! Twinkle Star and the Ohio Star blocks are lovely in blues. I love my grandchildren but watching them play softball in 102* weather is more than I could handle. I would have them stop by on the way home and feed them lots of ice cream.

  2. Love, love, love those blue and white blocks!!

  3. The kaleidoscope blocks are so fun! Amazing how cutting and arranging the pieces in different ways can make such unique blocks. Love the bright blues in your star blocks , too!

  4. Kaleidoscope blocks are just so fun and the result is always surprising.
    Beautiful blue on the other blocks, I am in love with your twinkle star beautiful.

  5. Oh, wow, Sara! Those are some BRIGHT blocks! You do know the bright ones are my favorite, right? :o))

  6. Wonderful blocks from the kaleidoscope kit, and your RSC stars are so pretty. Stay cool if you can!

  7. Beautiful blocks. Can you find material and make some more blocks that might be an adventure:)

  8. I can see why the butterfly kit caught your eye. Love the blocks. Eight is kind of an odd number. What about a 2x4 block layout for a table topper? That could really be pretty!


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