
Monday, June 20, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Saturday Sampler

Eight down, and four months to go - to complete this year's Saturday Sampler.  Here are the 8 Christmas blocks all together.  I'm sure I'll rearrange these before sewing them into rows, but it's always exciting to see glimpses of what the finished quilt will look like. 

This is actually Block #8.  It's made entirely from HSTs, and looks the least like a star block than any of the others so far.  The pattern is called Midnight Stars, so I'm not sure about this one.  Also, I'm not thrilled with how it looks inside of the pieced sashing.  

The batik and grey version has a nice clean look to it.  I used a dark blue and orange that have a really good contrast with the background.  Without the distraction of the pieced sashing, these make me think of streaks of lightning.  

The dark background version has a pinky/salmon streak and an aqua one.  These colors actually look better in person than they do in the photo.  

Getting all 3 versions of my Saturday Sampler blocks made was my top priority for the weekend, so I'm happy to be able to check them off my list.  Now . . . on to that squirrel that distracted me.

So, what's on YOUR design wall this morning?



  1. I agree. Doesn't look like a star at all. Check how they look with a different orientation. By themselves, they are striking blocks. Good work.

  2. Pretty blocks. I like the secondary design that the sashing creates: this will be a beautiful quilt.

  3. The block by itself is great, but I agree it doesn't look like a star at all!

  4. You’re making THREE versions of this quilt, all simultaneously?! I am impressed! Interesting block - there are so many historical blocks that don’t look obviously like what they’re named after (to me, anyway)!

  5. Love the last square and the bright colors! I worked on greeting cards today since it was so hot!

  6. That block looks nothing like a star. If you don't like it, don't use it! Your quilt, your way, happy stitching!


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