
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Kaleidoscope - I have a plan

I have a plan for Kaleidoscope!   

Monday morning I went back to the website for the company that made the little kit for the butterfly kaleidoscope blocks, thinking I would try to order another kit so that I would have more blocks to work with.  Having just 8 blocks wasn't coming together for me.

And that's when I saw how they set the blocks together - in a group of 4.  Duh!!!  Why hadn't I considered that?  And the craziest thing - is that the border fabric they used in the picture I saw was this splash of color that was already in my stash!!!  I had used this very fabric for a backing recently and had plenty of it leftover.  I made a quick trip to The Pin Cushion and bought enough solid black for those sashings and for binding.  

Top #1 is complete and top #2 is partially together.  These may end up as 20" pillows or table toppers, or one of each.   But I'm liking how these tops are coming together. 


  1. Sometimes we over think things. Those pillows are going to be wonderful accents of color, happy stitching!

  2. Gorgeous! I wouldn’t have thought of using only four at a time.

  3. It was meant to be since you already had it in your stash. And wow is that ever striking.

  4. What a perfect solution to your great blocks. The border fabric is perfect with the Stack and whacks.


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