
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Cousins & Kaleidoscope

 We had a wonderful day on Sunday - with a few of the people we love.  My sister-in-law, 2 of her daughters, and 1 great-granddaughter visited us on Sunday.  We definitely missed some who couldn't be there, but enjoyed with the ones who were. 

My 2 girls were very fortunate to be part of a group of 18 first cousins who all grew up in the same school district.  That means they were lucky to grow up hanging out with and are still close to lots of cousins.  Of course as those cousins all grew up they've scattered across the state and the country. Even across the globe at times - in military uniforms. 

The oldest of the cousins (back right) is visiting from Texas with her granddaughter (bottom right).  Her youngest sister (back left) only lives about 25 miles from here, but with her busy life we don't see her often enough.  Our youngest daughter (back center) and her family were able to come for the afternoon to visit with the cousins she hasn't seen in over a year.  Wish my other daughter could have spent the day with us too, but she was under the weather and her kids were off camping with the other grandparents.  I set up stuff for tacos, and salad, and dessert - and we spent an awesome day eating and just catching up.  

On the "quilt-y" front I did finish up the binding on BOTH of the Kaleidoscope small quilts.  

The colors in these just amaze me, and make me happy - those brilliant blues, with the orange, and yellow and others!  Just my favorites!  One of them is going to hang in my sewing room along with some other small quilts.  

This whole week is supposed to be HOT, HOT, HOT so I'm sure plenty of sewing will happen.


  1. very pretty mini quilts! yeah hot all week here as well...

  2. It was so nice your family could get together over the weekend. That's how we need to plan get togethers now, whoever can come, comes. You can't make plans that suit everyone. Your Kaleidoscope is beautiful! He will make you smile every time you look at it, happy stitching!

  3. Fun family photo!!! Such brilliant colored kaleidoscope quilts!!! One in the sewing room, the other?

  4. I loved looking through a kaleidoscope when I was a child, turning it slowly to see the endless beautiful designs. Your small quilts remind me of that beauty. Your daughters were lucky to grow up around their cousins: I barely know my cousins.

  5. Great to have company! Those colors are wonderful!

  6. That's awesome to gather with family again. The kaleidoscope mini is so vibrant, cute cute cute!


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