
Monday, July 18, 2022

Design Wall Monday - forward progress

 It rained most of the day on Saturday, and I spent about half of that time in my sewing room.  Lots of progress happened on Tulip Time.

Half of the top is assembled - that's 3 of the 6 rows of 6 blocks, plus sashing.  The 4th row and 1 row of sashing is also sewn together.  My goal today is to at least get the 5th and 6th rows sewn together.  It's harder to manhandle a big quilt, so this is much slower than working on small projects.

But speaking of small projects, there was progress on some of those as well on Saturday. 

This little project was born in our Sew Vintage group that meets once a month at The Pin Cushion.  We have a wonderful group of ladies who all love vintage things, including quilting.  Ages range from 30s to 80s, and once in a while we even have a kid or two join us. 

The hearts are signature blocks we exchanged within the group this past winter, and the umbrella was cut by one of the members who had just gotten these dies for her Accuquilt.  She cut a whole lot of the umbrella parts and shared with the group. I decided to put them all together in just 1 project.  This will need some borders, but for now it will hang on my design wall while I decide what to add next. 

I also made 5 more of the Beads/Chandelier blocks for our Quilt of Valor group.  In the picture they are added to 9 more that I picked up from another member.  And I collected a bunch at our last guild meeting.  We'll gradually get enough for at least 1 Quilt of Valor, and hopefully 2 quilts.  I have more of these ready to sew.  

Sunday was a day to just enjoy some family time.  A niece was visiting from Texas, and I made a casual supper of tacos, salad, dessert and we just enjoyed some time together.  

Check out a few more Design Walls today:


  1. I'm excited to see your tulip blocks sewn together into a top. You have been busy!

  2. Tulips, hearts and an umbrella - such colorful and cheerful blocks!

  3. Oh I Like the tulips!!! so pretty!!!
    And yay for the growing pile of chandelier beads!!!

  4. The umbrella surrounds by hearts is very cute! Sounds like a fun group of quilting women!


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