
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Scrappy progress - Tulip Time & more

 It's always exciting to reach the stage with my RSC blocks when I have enough for a quilt.  That is where Tulip Time is at this month finally.  Actually I have 40 of these 13" blocks, so there will be 4 of them left over, as I've decided that 6 x 6 will work the best.  

This photo doesn't do justice to the bright cheery colors in these blocks, and the sashing is almost lime green in reality.  Plus - I took the photo before getting the last few blocks sashed, so there will be another vertical row.  These Tulip Time blocks were a Bonnie Hunter pattern from several years ago in Quiltmaker magazine, originally called Blossom Time I think.  They are awesome blocks for scraps because the largest piece needed for an individual tulip is a 2.5" square.

Pillow shams maybe will happen with the extras.  Or possibly they will be "seed" for another quilt.  Who knows what will happen with those extra blocks.  

Sashing the Tulip Time quilt blocks, and putting borders on 2 other quilts were my main focus this week, but I did play with purple a little bit.  This purple elephant joined the herd.  And two more - with polka dots -in other colors happened too.

Check out more Rainbow Scrap Challenge fun . . .


  1. I love your tulip blocks! I think this is a project I will be starting next January in conjunction with the RSC. Hopefully I'll my other RSC projects finished by then. Happy stitching!

  2. Your Tulip Time quilt is going to be so pretty! Definitely bright and cheery. I love those elephants, too - they look fun to make!

  3. What a great quilt that tulip block made. Love the elephants as well.

  4. I love your tulip garden. They look so happy together with this light green sashing. Great job! Love the polka-dot elephants too. Cute! ;^)

  5. Tulip time is a very fun quilt! Laid out it looks fabulous!

  6. beautiful tulip time and oh those elephants are so darn cute!

  7. Your tulip blocks are beautiful!! What a fun, scrappy project! The elephants are quite adorable too. Happy weekend!

  8. I like the way your blossom time blocks look - I was thinking 5 x7 and I am getting close.

  9. Your tulips look gorgeous, and as for those elephants, such a wonderful assortment to join the growing herd.

  10. that elephant!!! so cute and your tulips are so good together. So many of them now!

  11. What a colorful, happy tulip quilt! And I love to see your elephants!!!

  12. I love the tulip blocks, that is going to be a beautiful quilt when its done!

  13. I love your Tulip Time blocks, and the elephants are wonderful too!

  14. Oh, how I love those Tulip blocks, Sara!!! Spotty, dotty Ellies are fun, too.


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