
Monday, July 4, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Happy July 4th!!

Happy July 4th!!  Is there a red, white, and blue quilt on your design wall today?

Our local quilt guild met on Saturday morning and there were some really beautiful patriotic quilts shown during Show 'n Tell (my favorite part of the meeting).  Wow - so inspirational!!!

Aren't they wonderful?  I just wanted to rush home and start another Quilt of Valor!!

But I didn't . . . instead I went home and worked on things already in progress.  The Happy Cats quilt top is done and ready to quilt.  It's now hanging in the closet with some other flimsies - waiting.  

The cat fabric was something I purchased late last winter on a short road trip for college basketball, and it was originally planned for pillowcases.  But then Mary Quilts had posted pictures of her latest Happy Blocks quilt, and I realized the cat print would be perfect for that.  So I collected several colors of Grunge fabrics for the frames.  I do wish I had separated the purple and black blocks more, but overall it's pretty cute.  It will be gifted or donated some day. 

I also worked at getting the Checkered Stars top put together.  This one is only 35" square so far - just a bit small for a baby quilt.  I only made half of the blocks originally planned.  This was from one of the Fat Quarter Shop Sew Sampler boxes.  I think I started it over a year ago but lost interest.  The charm pack used was Spring Brook by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts.  I still have the second charm pack left over.  The grey and white was from my stash and I've used pretty much all of those. 

One more border should make this one a better size for a baby quilt.  I hunted around online and finally found some of the yardage from this line, and ordered some yellow.  So this UFO is getting another step closer to finished.  


  1. There is just something about red, white and blue that draws us in, thanks for sharing the guild's inspirations. While bike riding yesterday I was thinking about a patriotic placemat, LOL. Happy 4th!

  2. Your happy blocks quilt is definitely happy! Love the cat fabric. Checkered Stars is a neat design, too, and pretty colors. Yellow will make a good outer border!

  3. Actually, I do have a patriotic quilt on my design wall and hope to prepare its backing today. I have the pattern for the center quilt. It’s on my To Sew list. The Happy Block and Checkered Stars quilts are adorable.

  4. Thanks for sharing your patriotic show & tell!!! Very inspiring! Happy 4th of July!!!

  5. Happy 4th!! Oh what fun to see all the Quilts of Valor, those are some beauties!


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