
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

One more finish - Wisdom

 I can happily check off one more UFO from the list because Wisdom is finished.

This was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project from the past couple of years. The block was a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop called Wisdom.  It's basically just a churn dash block with a 4-patch in the center.  The backgrounds are a variety of neutrals - whatever I had.  

The binding is a pink stripe with a touch of floral to it.  This should make a good donation quilt. 

Next in line is the Scotty Dog child sized quilt.  The binding is on and I'm starting to hand stitch it down on the back.  This will be a daylight project as the binding is a black and white polka dot and hard to see by lamplight.  This is another UFO that will be good to check off once it's done. 


  1. Another lovely finish! You inspired me to get out a UFO and get the backing finished and will get to quilting it this week. I have too many UFO's that need to get out of that closet.

  2. Lovely quilt! A great finish! I have trouble seeing stitches on black also, hope you can see your stitching in the daylight ok.

  3. Oooh, this is very pretty! Love all the colors.

  4. Beautiful!! Fun to see all finished! The larger flower prints are awesome in this quilt!

  5. I like Wisdom. (I could also use more of it.) Love the block. It looks like a lantern. The pink binding is perfect!


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