
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Friendship Squares & summer storms

The Midwest is no stranger to summer thunderstorms, but this has sure been a crazy summer for storms.  Yesterday afternoon the sky turned a very scary green and the wind howled. We did get some decent rain, but it fell horizontally in 70-80 mph winds.  The damage here was limited to some tree branches but we heard reports of much worse.  We have been lucky so far. 

No sewing happened yesterday, but I can share more holiday weekend sewing. . .

Over several years of membership in the local quilt guild I've collected a LOT of the 6" "travel squares" that is a club tradition.  When members travel somewhere we try to bring back fabric that reminds us of the place we visited.  With our relatively small membership it takes about 1.5 yards to cut a 6" square to give to each member when we return.

My first quilt using these was a star quilt with the center of each star being one of these fun little squares.  They are usually too cute to cut smaller.  

This month we received 5 different travel squares!  Kind of a jackpot, right?  Sunday - while my husband was playing golf, I was sewing.   

The multi-colored ladybugs and the camping print are both framed in purple.  

I've been calling this block a Friendship Square although the block pattern was from Pat Sloan's Winter Fun sew-along.  I knew I wanted something that showcased the square, and this one works perfectly.  There are now 23 of them in the project box, with lots and lots of squares left to frame.  I'm thinking they will make some fun kid quilts to donate.  


  1. It’s rained more this summer than it has in years - not gentle rain, but wind-driven fast and furious torrents. Good block for showcasing the travel squares.

  2. OMG yes my hubby showed me a pic of the green skies over Sioux Falls, scary indeed, I am glad you didn't have too much damage. All we got was 1.5" rain. Those squares are so fun, love the colorful lady bugs, and someone must have been to a rodeo.

  3. That is a really good idea!! I heard Mobridge had big hail:(


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