
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Tulip Time - ready for borders

 I'm thrilled to have all of the tulip blocks and sashing sewn together, and to have reached that stage where decisions are made on borders.  The blocks were RSC blocks for almost 2 years, so it's extra exciting to be at this stage now. 

It definitely needs a border and my original idea had been green piano keys, similar to how Bonnie Hunter did her original pattern.  I have a green layer cake that would work and I did a bit of auditioning to see how I liked it.  Nope!!  It was busy, and didn't allow the eye to rest.  This quilt is really busy and I decided that I want a single fabric for an outer border. 

OK - this one was close to what I have in mind.  The colors are good and the scale of the print works.  I even have enough of it.  But if you look closely - it's vegetables!  I can't mix veggies with tulips now, can I?  A few other options were auditioned as well.  But I did eventually find a really pretty green batik for that border on Wednesday when I stopped at The Pin Cushion. Once I get those borders on, then I'll share a new picture.

In the meantime, I'm excited to move on to orange for August even though my sewing time will be limited.  Check out the RSC site to see how others are finishing up July.


  1. Wow!!!!! awesome beautiful cute amazing perfect I dont know what else to say I love it Really Nice Sara!!!

  2. That's so pretty, Sara! I love how the sashing and cornerstones connect all the blocks and add that secondary block design. Looking forward to seeing what you chose for the border!

  3. I really had to look at the print to see the vegetables. The colors are perfect and why can't you mix tulips with vegetables? Gardeners grow both. :)

  4. Oh it looks great, the veggie fabric is pretty cute...maybe in an eye spy quilt for kids!

  5. It looks so pretty! I have the pattern but that's as far as I've gotten. A good idea for RSC.

  6. I love how this quilt is coming along and can't wait to see the border you selected for it. Do you have plans for quilting it?

  7. That is so pretty. If it were me, I think I would chose a solid color to "frame" the beauty of the quilt. The yellow in the quilt caught my eye immediately. Perhaps a paler yellow solid. Just a thought. Peace and blessings!

  8. This is beautiful! Love your tulips!

  9. Those tulip blocks are so pretty in all their various hues. I can see why you are so p,eased with this RSC project. It will be great to see it with your chosen border stitched on.

  10. Beautiful, happy quilt! I love it!

  11. Your quilt is awesome and personally, I would have gone with the veggies fabric. A garden is a garden is a garden. I have peppers in my flower boxes, lol. I'm sure what you picked is just as lovely. Enjoy! ;^)


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