
Monday, August 1, 2022

Design Wall Monday - digging into orange

 Last week I took something for work to ship at the UPS store, and when the lady told me it should arrive on Monday, August 1 - I argued with her that it couldn't be August 1 already.  Somehow I lost track of a whole week in July.  And I'm not really ready for it to be August already!!

Orange is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for August, and on Saturday I dug into the scraps and the stash to see what I have to play with.  

My scraps are basically sorted by color, but one bin has gallon size bags with orange, reds, and pinks all separated.  The orange baggy is pretty full and a lot of the scraps were strings of various widths, so making a Rainbow Connection block was very fast.

There are now 3 of these blocks hanging in the closet - purple, yellow, and orange.  They finish at 11" so it wouldn't take too many to make a child size quilt.  

I also pulled out the stash drawer to see what was available for other orange blocks this month.  All 5 Falling In Love blocks are cut now and ready to sew.  Since I've made 5 each month, there will be 40 of these by the end of August.  They are accumulating quickly. 

While I was on a roll with the cutting, I cut borders for Tulip Time from the green batik.  More on that tomorrow hopefully.  And I discovered one more UFO hanging in the closet with border strips already cut and hanging with the quilt top.  Halloween Party even has a lot of orange in it.  

One goal for this week is to get the borders on Tulip Time, and maybe on Halloween Party as well.  That would make 2 more ready to quilt this fall.  

Then I strayed from the orange and cut the pieces for 18 of the Beads (also know as Chandelier) Quilt of Valor blocks.  The parts are all stacked on paper plates, and organized.  I have lots of things ready to sew and keep me busy this week, no matter if I only have 20 minutes to sew or a whole morning.

What's on your design wall today?


  1. Wow, you're already done with your Orange RSC block. Good job.

  2. I relate to your confusion. I realized August was coming I just couldn't understand why it came around so fast. We are more than halfway to the finish of 2022. How did that happen? I hadn't even looked for the RSC color yet so thanks for the info. I'm not sure I have much in the way of orange. I'll find out when I get downstairs and do some searching. Enjoy whatever stitching time you get this week.

  3. I love that big block of orange strips - that is really a neat block - what size is it? I will need to save that idea for another time with all that I am making now

  4. Looks like you’re keeping up with all your block projects. The orange string block is great.

  5. I hope you get lots of sewing time in this week. How fun to find borders all cut for the Halloween quilt, that shouldn't take long to finish then.


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