
Monday, August 15, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Checkered Stars

My actual design wall is empty, but I did manage to get something accomplished.  The binding is done on this baby quilt, which was the first of 5 waiting for binding.

Checkered Stars was a project originating in a Sew Sampler box from Fat Quarter Shop.  The name was different, and so was the project layout.  It had lots more of the star blocks, but I decided to make it somewhat different.  I have fewer stars and more border.  It makes a good baby quilt.  The colors are actually a bit softer, but look quite bright under the lights of the family room. 

My recuperation is going fine so far. Today marks one week post-op on this left hip.  I’m still using my walker for stability most of the time, but am trying to get by with just a cane occasionally - at least in the house.  With the right hip already a bit unstable as well, I’m pretty nervous about falling yet.  But the pain has been very manageable, and I’ve switched to just taking the Tylenol in place of the stronger pain drugs. 

Thank you to so many readers who’ve left thoughtful comments and emails. I really have appreciated the healing thoughts coming my way.

What’s on your design wall this morning?



  1. Very cute baby quilt! You be careful walking around with just your cane. I'm glad though you were able to switch to Tylenol. Happy hand stitching!

  2. glad you are coming along with your hip and being careful.
    Those are lovely colors on that quilt

  3. Love the cheerful baby quilt!. I’m glad your recovery is going well and that your pain can be controlled with Tylenol.

  4. Beautiful quilt! Glad your rehab is going well.

  5. I'd say it is wise to use the walker a bit longer as you sure don't want to fall. Nice that you have handwork all ready to be done while recouping, soon you'll have all the bindings done;)

  6. I love the yellow in the quilt it is a perfect baby quilt! Good to hear that you are in less pain, that is really good news!

  7. Great job on binding the baby quilt--I love your arrangement! Good to hear you're healing well, too, Sara!!!

  8. That is a wonderful quilt - I really like the star layout!!
    Glad you are healing up - and being careful!!!


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