
Saturday, August 13, 2022

More orange progress

 These orange blocks are NOT the product of this week as I haven't been in the sewing room.  Instead I'm recuperating from hip replacement #1.  But I saved some of the orange blocks made at the end of last week to show today.  

Falling In Love orange blocks #3-5 - and their matching 4" hourglass friends . . .

I hadn't added any new Ohio Star blocks since June, so it was time.  While I had the orange chunks out, I chose this coral fabric for the Ohio Star.  This makes 28 in the collection, and there already were some more vibrant orange ones, so going with the coral side seemed like a good choice.

This elephant actually IS orange, unlike the other one I made this month that is more peachy-pinky-orange.  An actual pink elephant may have to happen in the future.

And using up some leftover pieces worked out perfectly for these 4.5" hearts.  I have a zip lock bag full of these in a whole rainbow of colors.  Eventually there will be enough for a baby quilt. 

Daughter #2 is here for 3 days. She is an Occupational Therapist so has been extremely helpful.  Plus she has been cleaning out my fridge, my cupboards, etc. and tossing anything she finds expired.  And she did laundry, and cooked.  Thursday evening we had swordfish and roasted glazed carrots. Yum!!  And she and the kids have waited on me hand and foot.

Check out more Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects:


  1. Sara you've been on my mind all week
    we'll miss you today
    take care and heal, Pam
    love your posts

  2. it sounds like you are getting the help you need that is good! I hope you are feeling ok and not in a lot of pain- another couple weeks and you will be doing better week to week I'm sure

  3. Oh my gosh, hip replacement! I hope it went well and the surgery helps a lot. The orange scraps will still be there when you heal up. That's the best and worst thing about scraps! Be well, and be sure to do your exercises!

  4. Wishing you a very speedy recovery. Every single time I see your heart blocks they make me happy. I need to put one of those quilts on my list. Glad you have help during your healing. You'll be up and around in no time.

  5. It sounds like you’ve got great help to get you through the hip replacement stage. Sincere best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. I won’t even ask about #2 surgery yet! Your orange projects are lovely (as always), and show what a good pre-planner you are. Be well and heal quickly!

  6. Hope you're recuperating well and feeling stronger each day! Your daughter sounds like a gem. I love both the heart blocks and the elephants, in any color!

  7. So glad to hear your DD is there helping you out, Sara! And such cute blocks! Great idea to carry some over for the next week!

  8. Very best wishes for your recovery after your hip replacement. How lucky to have a daughter who is a trained OT, and that she is spending time with you.

  9. awesome orange projects! best wishes for a quick recovery!

  10. Sounds like you are receiving some excellent care! I need a DD to visit and clean out my fridge and cupboards. LOL Oh! And cook too! Rest well, and take care of yourself. I love all your blocks~ you were certainly industrious pre-surgery. How is the hand work going?

  11. How wonderful that your daughter came to cook, clean and care for you! Sounds like she may be a chef...swordfish in SD who knew? Hope you are resting when you are tired!

  12. Great orange blocks. Good luck on your recovery!


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