
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Home to recuperate - and the 50th class reunion

The trip home from the hospital was brutal, but it’s good to be home.  Each day will get better I’m sure.  Once I was settled in yesterday I took the pain pills and slept most of the afternoon. At least at home no one will wake me at 4:30 AM to take my blood pressure.  

 A bit over half of my high school graduation class made it to our 50th class reunion last Friday.  It was a really fun evening chatting and laughing.  That's me - front row, left side, in blue and white.

I had to pull out a yearbook to double check, but we had 51 people in our class at graduation.  Yes, I attended a small school in a small town in Minnesota.  Over the years we've lost 7 of those.  Some of these people were classmates from kindergarten through graduation.  Two were classmates even through college - one of those has died, and the other one couldn't be at the reunion due to a conflict.  A couple of the people in this picture I hadn't seen in more than 40 years.  And some I see whenever I visit my home town. 

On Saturday my husband and I spent quite a bit of time just driving around my hometown.  I haven't been back there for 5 years.  The school doesn't look much different than it did when my mother attended.  There are some new additions, but the main building is the same.  I've never been back inside that building since I graduated in 1972.  

We drove past the house I grew up in, which has sat empty for a couple of decades and looks like it will fall down at any time.  My grandmother's tiny house is still there, but it's obvious that it's used as a storage shed now.  It's very sad to see those old houses totally neglected.  

We also made a swing through the cemetery to visit my parents' graves.  It's been over 30 years since they passed away, only months apart.  And we spent part of the day visiting my cousin and his wife - the only relatives I still have in my hometown.  

All-in-all it was a delightful couple of days.  


  1. from all i've heard most do well and recover quick after hip replacements...glad you got to have some fun first!

  2. Your reunion sounds like a nice nostalgic trip into the past. Hopefully your recovery from your surgery will be a routine recovery. Do you have some handwork ready to work on when you're not napping? Happy stitching!

  3. sounds like you had a fun reunion and drive through town. Sorry you lost both of your parents so young you must have been under 40 - that is rough.
    Glad your surgery was a success now to get through the next week or two and recovery will be better every day

  4. It’s bittersweet to return to your childhood home and surrounding area. Sadly, my home and school are no longer standing. Your graduating class was quite a bit larger than my class of ten.

    Rebounding from surgery certainly zaps a person’s strength. Rest when you can, follow doctor’s orders and keep yourself occupied.

  5. Very best wishes for your recovery, joint replacements are not an easy op I imagine. My hubby has finally got a surgery date for his knee replacement, after waiting for ages.

  6. So glad you are home and doing okay. Good for you going to your reunion! Sad to see places you remember falling apart. But good to remember the good times growing up! :)

  7. I am glad you made it home, sorry it was a rough ride-I wondered how you would do going home. I am sure each day will be a bit better. What a nostalgic trip you had, it's always sad to see houses sit empty and whither away. The last house my parents lived is gone, the first two houses I lived in with them are long gone.


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