
Monday, August 22, 2022

Design Wall Monday - return to sewing

 I’m exactly 2 weeks out from hip replacement surgery and today I’m going to sit down at my sewing machine for the first time since the surgery. I know I won’t spend a long time in my sewing room today, but even a half hour will be fun.

My goal for today is to cut the pieces for the new Saturday Sampler block in the Christmas fabrics, and maybe get it sewn.  I'll save that pieced border to add another day, as well as the other 2 color ways.  Even if I only get this block cut out today I'll be happy to spend a little time in my happy place.

I still have plenty of binding to finish, so that will still be a focus this week, as I continue to recuperate.  And I picked up Tulip Time from the quilter this weekend, so now I have to cut the binding strips and get this one ready for binding too.  

 My husband was playing in the state seniors golf tournament, so I was home alone all weekend.  Lunch with a couple of friends on Saturday was the highlight, but for most of the weekend I immersed myself in a really good book. 

Over the past few months I've been working my way through the Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell.  I absolutely HATE thriller-type movies and refuse to see them. But I read this type of book all the time.  Cornwell's series about medical examiner Kay Scarpetta is a good one, and Dust might have been one of my favorites in the series so far.  

So - what is on YOUR design wall this morning?


  1. I’m glad your recovery is going so well. I think you have a realistic goal for your first day back in the sewing room. Enjoy.

  2. glad you are progressing quickly and admit i'm envious...i had a hip fracture and it was a much longer and much more painful recovery...sewing time fixes everything tho...LOL

  3. I like Patrica Cornwell books also, they are a good read! I hope you enjoyed your time at the sewing machine! Hope the stairs were not a big pain for you! :)

  4. Your tulip time quilt is amazing. I look forward to seeing the finished project.

  5. I love that book series too. Pleased you can get a little matching done, I'm sure you are pacing yourself.


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