
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Just a little more orange

 Again, no NEW orange sewing, but I can share the last of the orange blocks I made the first week or August - BS (before surgery).  I told you I was sewing frantically that week, and it was true.  I'm definitely hoping to make my way downstairs soon to do a little NEW sewing. 

One last Ohio Star block happened.  I love the paisley white-on-white background, and wish I still had yards and yards of it.  But this was nearly the last of it out of the scrap bin.  

And finally - I did a couple more churn dash blocks using the pattern from our guild baby quilt project.  I've already made and turned it several of these churn dash blocks for our baby quilts but couldn't resist using the pattern to make at least one more baby quilt for my own donation or gifting purposes.  If you zoom in, the grey print has tiny mouse faces.  So cute!

On the recovery scene - each day gets a little better for the most part.  Stairs are getting easier to navigate, so I think I'm nearly ready to make my way down to my basement sewing room.  I will temporarily replace my rolling chair that moves too easily, with a less dangerous chair.  I know that sitting down at my sewing machine again will be good for my soul. 

Check out more Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects:


  1. yes you would not want your chair to roll out from under you! Love the Ohio Star

  2. I hope your recuperation is going well, Sara. Your blocks are so nice!!

  3. You did a good job preparing for August! Glad you're feeling a little better each day, and fingers crossed here for navigating down to that sewing room soon. Your churn dashes are pretty in their opposite colors!

  4. Your blocks are very pretty. Hope the trip down the stairs goes well and you enjoy some sewing soon.

  5. I love your blocks, that first one is a doosie with that paisley background tone on tone! Isn't it funny how all of a sudden we get attached to a particular piece of fabric and wish we had more, I often find myself in that spot. Oh that would wonderful for your morale if you could get to the sewing machine:)

  6. I love the baby quilt blocks. That mouse fabric is TOO cute. Yes, do take care of yourself. The soul is just as important as the knee.

  7. Dont overdo it to begin with sitting st the sewing machine. After my back OP I had to limit myself to 10 minutes at a time at the start. Stairs must be difficult to manouvre.

  8. So good to hear that you're almost ready to return to your sewing room. I think your time there will be good for your recovery as well. Enjoy!


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