
Friday, August 19, 2022

More binding

After a relatively sleepless night, I’m spending the morning in my recliner with an ice pack on the new hip and some binding in my hands.

Sleep was very elusive last night - a combination of not being able to get comfortable, and a husband with seasonal allergies snoring loud enough to wake the neighbors.  And this morning I notice that I have more swelling on that hip.  Hence the ice pack - which gives me an excuse to sit and do some slow hand stitching.  Like I needed an excuse.  

Yesterday I left the house for the first time since surgery.  Getting a haircut and a manicure was definitely good for some attitude adjustment. And my husband also took me out for Chinese food for supper. I have leftovers to reheat for lunch today - while he is playing in a golf tournament out of town. 


  1. could you possible have spent too much time slowly walking about yesterday to make the hip swell? hope the ice works - I know your hip condition is much more than my bursitis but sometimes I find sleep hard to get from hip pain as well as all of hubby's noises!

  2. ear plugs! As for snoring I don't mind it I know he is breathing:) Good to hear that you got out for a bit, be careful ! I bet you sleep better tonight!

  3. I hope you have a better nights sleep tonight and less swelling tomorrow. Having handwork to do is always a good thing!

  4. Guess you will have to take things slow and easy, after all, this hip op must be classed as a major operation? Sending you best wishes for your recovery.


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