
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A busy week so far

 It has been a busy week so far - haircut, manicure, pedicure (today), doctor appointment, work, work, work, and an evening concert.  Time flies, right?

Monday was occupied by work with a haircut and manicure in between.  However, my husband left in the late afternoon to go to the grandsons' flag football games and then a client visit next day.  So I was home alone overnight - which meant I played in my sewing room that evening.

I got 2 of the 5 rows of Ohio Star assembled, with some other scrappy blocks happening in between as leaders and enders.  When I made that light blue Ohio Star block above for the quilt, I also cut the rest of that blue fat quarter into pieces for the reverse Ohio Star (white background) in the top photo and for a pyramid block.  There are parts for several more of those white background Ohio Star blocks still laying on a design board, just waiting for their turn to be sewn together.  With some of the small leftover pieces I made another little heart. 

And a couple more little heart parts came out of the box as I still needed some leaders and enders.  Rows 3-5 are ready to assemble, and hopefully I'll get one more done today after work. 

Tuesday morning I had the last follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon.  He says my new hip looks well healed.  It will still take a couple of months for the rest of the swelling to go away.  My next appointment with him is at the end of January to talk about doing the right hip later in the spring.

Tuesday afternoon I worked, and then in the evening I enjoyed a great concert with friends.  The Mitchell Area Concert Series brought this group in from Minneapolis.  They advertise that they do "Mozart to Madonna" in their 70s show.  The music was from the 1970s, 1870s, and 1770s - and was fantastic.  Brass and percussion and piano and guitar - and really awesome arrangements. 

I have a lot of tasks on my To Do list today for work but will spend my lunch break getting a much needed pedicure.  And my sewing room will be calling me by the end of the day I think.  


  1. Many of the same activities have been packed into my week. I’m going to a symphony performance Thursday evening, but the brass concert sounds like it was much more lively than what I’ll hear. I haven’t done any sewing yet this week since I’ve had company, but maybe today.

  2. So good to hear that your hip is healing well! You have had a busy week! :)

  3. You are so good at keeping up with your leader/ender projects! I can have something by my machine to use, and forget all about them as I get involved in the current project. ;-)

  4. You've got some fun projects in the works. Love the Ohio Star blocks and the hearts. Some weeks we just have to be happy that we get any sewing room time.


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