
Friday, September 23, 2022

Forward progress is happening

It's feeling good to have some forward progress on a couple of projects this week in spite of my work schedule.  Yes - I'm one of those people who always has more than one project going at any one time.  Each one tends to be a leader/ender for a different one, and eventually both get done.

Progress is happening on cutting out the parts and pieces for Boo Buddies.  Only a few small parts left to cut out, mostly for the 2 panels on the left side.  I've been working on them in front of the TV in the evenings - although last night I was too busy watching the season premier of Survivor and didn't get any cutting done.  Here are the 2 right side panels. Sashing will be added so it looks like you're looking out of a window at the Halloween scene.  Or maybe the witch and pumpkin are peeking in the window at me!  I hope it's ready to begin blanket stitching the edges with black thread by next weekend.  


  1. Very fun project! Looks like you are moving it along. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. We taped Survivor and just watched it last night, we always used to watch but it's been a few years so maybe we'll get hooked again. Boo is coming along nicely! I am a more than one project woman too. In fact right now I am working on 5 with applique.

  3. This really looks like a fun quilt and I can't wait to see it finished! Window quilts are always so neat.

  4. Great progress. This is going to be a cute wall hanging.

  5. Fun project! I watched Survivor also...hope the two older people make it a long time! :)


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