
Saturday, September 24, 2022

RSC - end of September

 On the Rainbow Scrap Challenge front the first Ohio Star quilt top is all assembled and ready to quilt.  It's about 56" by 68", which is a decent size so I think it will be fine without any additional borders.

I'll work on the other Ohio Star RSC project next, which has the colors reversed from these.  That one will not have sashing, and will be layed out in 6 rows each 5 blocks wide.  There are currently 25 blocks in the stack so just a few more needed to finish that top too. 

There is also a whole new vertical column of small heart blocks ready to sew onto the first 2.  These little heart blocks have been an on-going RSC project this year too, and this week 5 new ones were sewn up as leaders/enders.  Sewing the vertical row on will most likely be a weekend task.

My light blue blocks this month were more plentiful than I thought.  There are 2 elephants, 5 Falling In Love (open hearts) blocks, 3 pyramids, and 5 or 6 Ohio Stars - not to mention a few small hearts in light blue and other colors.  Rainbow happiness!  

While working at my desk Friday morning I noticed the turkey flock was hanging around our front yard with a little skirmish going on in the bushes.  They come through the yard a couple of times every day - a couple of mamas and 8-9 youngsters.  My husband came upstairs from his office a little while later laughing because they were standing around looking in the egress window at him.  These turkeys have provided a lot of entertainment the past few months as we watched the babies get bigger every week. Those babies are nearly full grown now.  

What rainbow projects are happening elsewhere?


  1. very pretty RSC projects...we have flocks around here too only they are vultures...LOL...they sit on the light poles that hang over the highway waiting for their meals to be delivered...LOL

  2. I love your turkey photo and your hubbies story! Sounds just like at my house, almost every day. You look out one window and see them and then they disappear and you think they moved on. But the next thing you know they are in the back yard. Your first Ohio Star looks good!

  3. Such pretty projects! We had a turkey group a few years ago...they poop a lot...and it was messy under the bird feeders:(

  4. Fantastic Ohio Star top and a great stash of blue blocks. Great wildlife photo too! I do enjoy watching all the birds and animals outside-- as long as they stay outside, we can be friends!

  5. Great progress on all of your light blue blocks. I find great enjoyment watching the wild life in our very small backyard. Even in a suburb with tightly packed houses we have a lot of bunnies, rare squirrel, a fox, and an assortment of birds at our feeders regularly. I enjoy watching the birds at the feeder from my sewing machine. Turkeys are funny birds in my mind having lived with wild ones around for a few years in PA.

  6. Congrats on your new RSC quilt top finish, Sara! Another one coming along, too? Go, you!! You've got a lovely selection of Light BLUE blocks there, as well.

  7. So fun to see the turkeys! I think they must live just about everywhere - we've seen them up high in Rocky Mountain National Park! Your Ohio Star quilt is looking great, and I love your columns of hearts, too. Lots of pretty light blue in your sewing room this month!

  8. The fabric in your blue blocks looks rather like pretty blue and while China, to my eyes. Another cute elephant waiting to go and meet his friends, this is a great block. And those cute little hearts, so pretty, are you making them for a quilt border perhaps?

  9. Love how those hearts are dancing down each column. That's a fun scrap quilt. Your Ohio Star quilt is pretty too. I'm working on my Random Ohio Star quilt each Sunday a row at a time until it is done. It's coming along.

  10. You really have a lot of nice projects going on. Your blue blocks look good. Thanks for sharing the turkey picture!


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