
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Taking inventory

Since I finished the top for the first Ohio Star quilt, I decided it was definitely time to take inventory of the other set of Ohio Star blocks.

I thought I had 25 blocks, but turns out I only have 24 blocks made.  And after laying them out on the floor it became very obvious that when I make the last 6 blocks, I'll need a couple of pink for sure.  Seeing only 1 pink block in the stack was a bit of a surprise. 

And while I was in an inventory frame of mind, out came the box of Twinkle Star blocks.  There are 43 of these blocks so far.

My original plan had been using 42 blocks in a 6 x7 layout.  But I believe I'll add 5 more blocks to make an 8th row.  The Twinkle Star block is such a fun one to make that I don't mind making more.  

This light blue block was actually #43 - because I realized on Saturday that I hadn't made any light blue ones this month.  Since this was an RSC project last year as well, there were a few light blue ones from 2021.  This new one just added one more.  But it appears that more dark blue and some orange ones would be a good way to finish.

Inventory also gave me an opportunity to see where I am in terms of UFO finishes and WIP projects too.  Humble Homes is a fairly large quilt and basically ALL applique.  It's on my UFO list for 2022, and I checked the project box to see if anything was missing.

The background is all there and the pieces for the houses are all cut and ready to applique.  The trees were laser cut and came with the pattern.  I've just been avoiding this one because I know it will be time consuming.  However . . . since I'm currently working on a Halloween applique project it's possible that this can be next in line.  

The WIP (work in progress) that is taking up space on the ironing board right now is the Boo Buddies wall hanging for Halloween.  All of the pieces are ironed on and I made a start on the blanket stitching on the edges.  One of the 4 sections is done.  By the end of the day today it's possible that it will be ready for sashing and borders.  Yay!!


  1. YOur inventory looks rainbow-bright! Love the way the white backgrounds (your preference, I've noticed) make the colors pop-pop-pop.

  2. Such pretty blocks! They will make cheerful quilts! :)

  3. All the Twinkle Stars look fabulous together.


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