
Monday, September 26, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Sept 26

 Another month has flown by!  Just a few more days and it will be time to set some goals for the month of October.  And nearly time to take stock of September accomplishments.

Boo Buddies is taking shape.  This wall hanging is pretty much all applique and I'm not the fastest with that technique.  But it's getting there.  Once I finish up with all the blanket stitch on the edges of the pieces, then it will be ready for the sashing that will make this look like a window view. That's my main goal this week - getting the top ready to sandwich and quilt.

If I keep black thread in my machine until I'm done, then I'm less likely to be tempted to slip in any other project as I don't use black for piecing.  I need to keep my focus on this one because I want it done to use for Halloween THIS year.  

What's on your Design Wall this week?


  1. That's going to be so cute! I have to do that to myself sometimes, too - can't change thread until "X" is finished!

  2. That's turning out so cute. I do the same thing with thread. If I keep it in the machine, I'll keep motivated to finish.

  3. You’ve accomplished a lot on this project, and I don’t doubt you’ll be enjoying it this Halloween.

  4. So cute! Gathering supplies was all I did was fun to shop after an appointment. I should be all set now for cards and ornaments!

  5. Fun and bright for Halloween. It's a good idea to leave the black thread in the machine--I don't know why it is so annoying to have to change out thread, but it sure is in my sewing life too. Good luck for a spooky finish this October.

  6. This is going to be so cute and I'm not a Halloween person! The colors are so vibrant and fun.

  7. I like the “sashing-window pane” idea. You are almost finished. Hope it is ready for Halloween. Hugs, Judy

  8. Not sure how I missed seeing this last week. Blanket stitching takes time especially with lots of peaks and turns! I tend to use a combo of blanket and zig zag. If it has to be done quicker zig zag to the rescue or if it has lots of spikey parts.


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