
Sunday, September 4, 2022

A family reunion

This was the group I spent Saturday with - cousins and 1 aunt.  My husband and I drove 6 hours on Friday from South Dakota to Kansas for my family reunion.  It was such a good time.  We got to celebrate my aunt’s 90th birthday, and had lots of time to visit.  There were 16 first cousins. Two have passed away, and 4 couldn’t attend.  Two of the cousins I hadn’t seen since our grandfather’ funeral in 1969. That is what happens when we’re scattered all over the country - rarely are able to be here at the same time.  I’m so grateful that we were able to have this time together. 

I’ll share some info during the next week on the 3 quilt shops I got to visit on the drive.  My doctor ordered me to stop and walk around several times during the trip, so I was just following orders. 


  1. So nice you could see your family after so many years! I've got a family reunion today and next Sunday is the larger extended family with all my cousins. Hope you get some quilting time this week with the new fabrics, happy stitching!

  2. What a blessing to be able to celebrate your Aunt's 90th Birthday and to be able to visit with family you seldom see anymore. And then on top of that being ordered by your doctor to get out of the car and walk ( I'm sure that he meant quilt stores.) That's pure blessings upon blessings. Right ?

  3. Wonderful you were able to withstand the long drive to see your cousins! And a win win to be able to walk around in the quilt shops for your exercise:P)

  4. How nice that you could attend a gathering! Usually that just happens at Funerals or weddings so it is great when other get togethers are possible! Good for you stopping to walk around especially in quilt shops!


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