
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Light blue beginnings

 A new month means a new RSC color, and this month it's light blue.  We did the bright and darker blues earlier in the year.  My light blue options didn't go too deep as I've used up a lot of them in a blue/white project from this winter, but I did pull out 5 fabric options for the Falling In Love blocks.  

I did get one of the Falling In Love blocks done, but the other 4 will wait until next week.  This light blue sea shell print was a fat quarter I pulled out of my FQ bin.  So is the dotted one on the far right side of the stack.  I must buy a lot of polka dots.  LOL

The Pyramid block used up a chunk of light blue that has been in the scrap bin for quite awhile.  I like the snowflakes on this one.  The background of this block is scrappy white, but I'm planning to use whatever I have for future blocks - creams, neutral prints, etc.  

Future light blue sewing is still in the planning stages, but I know it will include more fun blocks as well as adding sashing and borders to the blue and white Riley Blake Challenge project from last spring. 

Check out more fun with scraps this weekend . . .


  1. you have quite a variety of blue blocks those will look good with all the other colors selected so far

  2. My stash contains a lot of polka dots too. I admit to loving dots!!

    You have some lovely blue fabrics. Looking forward to seeing your blue block continue.

  3. I love the light blue seashell print! The pyramid block is a fun design - is there a pattern or tutorial for that? All of your blocks are looking great, Sara!

  4. Beautiful blocks, Sara. The pyramid block looks like a challenge one. Like all your light blue fabrics...well, I love blue.

  5. Polka dots go with everything and they are happy fabrics. Keep on adding those to your stash!

    You are working on such a nice variety of blocks.

  6. While doesn't love blue? You've made some lovely blocks indeed.

  7. Such a wonderful array of blues! Are the pyramids hard to make?

  8. Very pretty light blues
    Love the blocks you are making

  9. Beautiful blues. The Pyramid looks tricky. Love the snowflakes. Hope you have a fun weekend with loads of sewing time.


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