
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

An abundance of fat quarters

I know my priority this week was going to be the Saturday Sampler blocks for this month.  And that will still happen, but I "accidentally" worked on something else on Monday. 

Do you have a weakness for fat quarters?  I definitely do!  I have a tendency to purchase them whenever I go shop hopping.  The patriotic ones, or holiday ones go directly into those drawers and tend to get used in projects.  Same with batik fat quarters.  But I also have a bin FULL of random fat quarters on a shelf in the closet in my sewing room.  And I accidently knocked the bin off that shelf on Monday morning while moving things around.  Oops!!  Fat quarters all over the floor!!

So - as I was picking them up off the floor and tucking them back into the bin, I got to thinking that I needed to start using those fat quarters for something instead of just collecting them.  

So I grabbed 3 of them at random, and made 3 new Pyramid blocks.  The two on the right side have also been cut into 5", 3.5", and 2.5" squares and sorted into the appropriate bins.  The one on the right turned out to be a half yard cut, so the remaining is back in with the fat quarters.  I should do this every day or so, and maybe a dent would be made in that overflowing bin. That probably isn't going to happen, but it would be a good idea.  

Another fat quarter was pulled out and cut into parts for 2 Ohio Star blocks, and there is enough left for another Pyramid.  These parts will become one Ohio Star with the white star and another with the white background.  Scrappy quilts are happy quilts, right?

My other task yesterday was to continue working on the Halloween applique piece.  All of the pieces for the bright orange ombre moon have been cut out and fused onto the fabric.  And I traced a few more of the other sections onto the Heat 'n Bond.  There are plenty of pieces left to be traced so I'm aiming for a little progress every day.


  1. Scrappy quilts ARE happy quilts! I don’t purchase fat quarters anymore, but I did several years ago. My two sister and I decided before our trip to the Sisters Quilt Show to each purchase a FQ at every shop we visited. When we got home we cut the FQs into three equal pieces and we each made a quilt with them to commemorate our trip.

  2. Quite often when searching the stash for a particular something, get detoured by other pieces, often FQs....lovely blocks!


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