
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Weekend fun

 I should have posted these earlier in the week, but kept getting distracted.

On Saturday we attended my husband's All School Reunion.  He's in the back row in the red shirt. Actually they call it the Alumni Banquet, and it's normally held every 2 years.  But of course due to Covid it had been 4 years since the last one.  This is the Class of '72.  He had 21 in his class, and 11 of them were in attendance. That was a great turnout.  Yes - a very small school district.  The same one I taught at for 18 years.  And the same one my mother-in-law and most of her siblings graduated from (1930s and 40s).  And all 18 of her grandchildren, and now many of her great-grands attend.   

Ten first cousins gathered for a photo that evening.  There were several more missing. LOL  This group all graduated between 1965 and 1977.  Dave's uncle Len was a teacher and then the HS principal for many years, and all of his 6 kids are in the back row with my husband.  Note how tall the 4 brothers are!  And the sisters.  My hubbie is 6' tall, so you can do the math.  In the front row in blue is a cousin living in Maryland, and Dave's older sister and older brother.  A mini family reunion!

All in all it was a really fun event, visiting with so many people - relatives, former neighbors (because we moved away 16 years ago) and friends.  I spent more years (18) in that building than any of the alumni. LOL  Sadly, the school building itself is empty now, as a new school was built several years ago in the middle of the district now that it's consolidated with another town.  

And this photo - I stole this one from my daughter.  On Monday she took their dogs for a walk.  This beautiful bridge is about a block away from their house - on the city bike trail, as it passed through one of the parks.  Such a pretty view.  Wish I had such pretty surroundings for daily walks.  It was a gorgeous day on Monday.  We spent the evening in the same park, watching 2 grandsons play flag football.  The park has 12 football/soccer fields and pickle ball courts. 

No sewing yesterday and maybe not today either, as I'm back working this week.  I thought I only had one half day needed to update monthly budget numbers.  But then Monday afternoon I had a conference call with one of the partners, and now I'm tracking 8 new projects that need huge amounts of documentation submitted for grant applications at the end of the month.  So I'll be working lots more hours until the end of September.  That will dramatically cut into my sewing time.  Bummer!


  1. My graduating class was small, too - just ten - five boys and five girls. Looks like the Alumni Banquet was well attended.

  2. You guys are on the go a lot!! So much fun you have had I am sure.


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