
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Not much sewing

 I did get the background pieces for Boo Buddies cut out and ready to begin laying out the applique pieces.  This will be a slow process apparently because WORK is getting in the way this week.

On Tuesday during my lunch break (from work) I made a quick trip to The Pin Cushion to buy that black dotted background.  I already had a piece of it, but it turned out to be too small to cut all 3 sections needed.  So I bought more, which is OK because it's a great basic to keep in the stash.

On Wednesday during my lunch break (from work) I sewed the hourglass blocks needed for the Ohio Star blocks.  The pieces were already cut and marked diagonally, so it only took about 15 minutes.

But . . . that's as far as I got because I had to get back to my desk to upload some documents needed for the conference calls that would occupy most of the afternoon.  I was sitting at my desk at 12:30 and eating my quick lunch - looking out the window as my husband backed out of the garage and left for an afternoon of golf with his friends.  Thought I was the one that was semi-retired!!  

Yes - work is definitely getting in the way of MY fun this week!


  1. sorry you have to work! sounds like you need to retire for good huh. I love the black dotted fabric I quite often have some on hand - that or white dotted

  2. Are you machine appliqueing the pieces? I think you will need to be a full time retiree very soon!

  3. Well at least you can make lots of Quilt store shopping stops!


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