
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Boo Buddies - a small finish

Boo Buddies - my PIG from September - is actually finished.  Now I have to decide where to hang it so that we can enjoy it all month 

I'm very pleased with how this turned out.  A couple of small changes from the original pattern, but who will know except me, right?  And I'm very glad that the pattern version I ordered from that shop had the buttons included because they make all the difference.  A spider button hangs from the tip of the witch's hat, an owl button sits up on the tree limb, 3 tiny little bat buttons are floating in the sky, and the eyes needed buttons to really look like eyes.  There is even a tiny little green "wart" button on the witch's big green nose.  

The binding is more of the orange ombre I used for the moon.  That wasn't my original plan, but it looks better than the grey that was my first binding choice.  Then I tried a couple of other options before pulling out that ombre again.  

Now - to finish the binding on the Halloween Party quilt.  Then I'm going to clean up the scraps of Halloween fabrics and put them away so I can focus on something else this week. 


  1. Eeeek, that turned out just perfect right down to the buttons and binding! Now you can enjoy it for the season.

  2. It’s adorable! I’m glad you will be able to enjoy it this month.

  3. Your finish is so cute! And you are right… the buttons really kick it up a notch.

  4. Really cute and the buttons are cute too!


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