
Monday, October 3, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Oct 3, 2022

My design wall is very full this week and hopefully all of the cutting and kitting up of projects over the weekend will result in lots of sewing this week.  The focus this weekend was mostly on Quilt of Valor projects, as we have a sewing day coming up in a week.  

The other day I mentioned that I had made a mess of the bin of patriotic fabrics while cutting some block kits.  And what a mess it was!!  This is shameful. 

However, on Sunday I emptied out that whole bin and first sorted out yardage that could be used for pillowcases.  I kitted up 5 new Quilt of Valor presentation pillowcases, and added them to the 3 kits I already had put together.  We needed more pillowcases for upcoming presentations.

I got the cuff attached to 1 of them, and I'll finish the seams today.  Maybe a couple more will be sewn up this week.  The rest will go the QOV Sew Day next week for others to sew.  And the yardage was neatly folded and tucked back into the bin. 

My goal for today is to finish that pillowcase, and then cut all the pieces for my next Quilt of Valor which will use the panel that Connie sent me.  That yardage all came out of that mess too. 

Then I tackled the scraps and pre-cuts.  Yikes!!  Can I possibly live long enough to use them up?  A few more Beads blocks and a couple more Twinkle Star blocks were also cut and kitted up while trying to reorganize that fabric.  I sewed 7 more Bead blocks and 2 more Twinkle Stars.  At least now the fabric mostly fits back into the bin, with some of the smaller scraps tucked into the project box next to it.  And there are a couple of quilt kits tucked in that bin as well, so more QOV in the future.

On a side note - the guild meeting on Saturday morning was so enjoyable, and as always the Show n Tell was inspirational.  Plus I won a door prize - a little travel size lint roller. 

I took my Farmers Wife Sampler quilt for Show n Tell this month as I hadn't been there since finishing it up.  Now it's back on my bed where I can enjoy it every day.  

What's on your design wall today?


  1. You had a busy and productive weekend! I think our patriotic bins look similar-the messy version, LOL I was just happy to clear 3 piles of fabric off the floor yesterday and back into the closet where they belong.

  2. Wowey zowey!!! So much quilting fun photos, Sara!!! Such great QOV blocks--the first two! So many fun fabrics to work with! And sounds like your guild meeting was great!

  3. The QOV group I support doesn’t use presentation cases any more. I haven’t made any in years. It’s satisfying to reorganize a pile of scraps/yardage, but I can rarely get everything back into the bin or box.

  4. Fun to see your stack of fabric and wonder how it will all come together! Thank you so much for sewing for The Quilts of Valor!!

  5. I can't imagine you ever having a mess in your sewing room! The twinklers look great in RWB. The pillowcases are a great idea. I've admired Farmer's Wife and it's nice that your guild friends appreciate it, too.


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