
Sunday, October 2, 2022

UFO, WIP & PHD progress

 For several years now I've participated in the APQ UFO Challenge.  The idea is to make a list of the 12 UFO projects you want to finish during the year.  The folks at APQ draw a number each month and that is the project to work on.  I actually have 3 projects listed for each month, with one of them being a PIG (project is grocery sack) that hasn't been started yet. That gives me options of both UFOs/WIPs and a new project that I give myself permission to start.

The number drawn for October is #5 - and this is my list.  The Tulip Time quilt is just needing to be bound at this point.  It's BIG so may take me all month. LOL  The Farm Girl Vintage (large blocks) may not happen.  I made a quilt from the small blocks already, and used some of the large size versions of the animals to make another quilt.  But there is no plan yet for the rest.  Keeping them on my list however reminds me that there are blocks available when I want them. 

The PIG selected this month is another Quick Strippee.  This is a fast and easy quilt that allows the fabric to be the star. If you follow the link, the pattern can be found on Mary Quilts' site.  I've made several as gifts. It makes a great baby quilt.

The fabric is the frog print and matching one that I purchased in Nebraska on the way to the family reunion.  The frogs are so cute!  I picked up the orange this past week locally.  

I do have a second PIG that is on my radar for October - another QOV. 

A dear blogging friend, Connie, sent a lovely patriotic panel to use in a future Quilt of Valor.  And I finally have a plan for that quilt.  The fabrics have been pulled from the stash and hopefully in October I'll get this one kitted up at least.  This will be completely different from any other QOV projects and it's fun to do the math to figure out a brand new layout.  

On Friday I spent a lot of time cutting, and then more time sewing.  I cut the parts for a bunch of Quilt of Valor blocks, kitted up a Quick Strippee baby quilt, and also kitted up one more QOV pillowcase and a pillowcase for one grandchild.  Five new Beads blocks are done, and there are still parts cut for several more of them.  There are 4 red/white/blue Twinkle Stars now. 

However I'll admit I made a bigger mess of my bin of patriotic fabrics while digging around for the smaller scraps I wanted to use.   So - cleaning up that mess will be important.  Maybe I can cut the parts for more QOV blocks while tackling that red/white/blue mess. 

Lots of UFOs, WIPs, and PIGs exist in my sewing room but I'm making progress on finishing as many as possible.  Do you keep lists of UFOs to work through?  Or are you one of those organized people who only have one project going at a time?  


  1. plenty of choices...LOL...all very pretty!

  2. Sounds like you had a great Friday in the sewing room. I am definitely not a one project at a time gal, nor do I keep a list of UFO's. I know I have gobs of UFO's, PIB's and WIP's. But yesterday I finally took time to pet, fold and put away 3 stacks of fabric that were sitting around on the floor after purchasing or using in projects.

  3. The Twinkle Star blocks will make a stunning Quilt of Valor.

  4. Pretty red white and blue blocks! No I have lots of projects going at once...some that I have not touched in over a half knit socks! If I made a crafting list it would be scary! :)


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