
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Back to the real world

 We're finally back home!  Now to get caught up on things, and to enjoy some family time for Thanksgiving too.  I have a long checklist for today.  

We left last week Wednesday for the Bahamas, and were supposed to be back home last night.  The plan was to pick up 3 of the grandkids once our flight arrived and bring them home with us. They don't have school today and then we'll all meet up with the family for Thanksgiving.

Our flight out of Nassau left early, and we arrived early in Atlanta, with an expected 3 hour layover.  But instead of leaving Atlanta about 8:30 pm (Eastern time), it was about 10:30 pm.  Luckily there was only 1 gate change, and that was close by.  We just crashed at our daughter's house once we finally arrived as we were exhausted.  Up early this morning and headed the 90 miles home with the kids, so grandpa could make his 9:00 am Zoom meeting.  We made it.  

The suitcases are unpacked, the first load of laundry is running, and a late breakfast was made.

The grocery list has been updated and a couple of the kids will probably go with me to pick up mail and restock our grocery situation.  Then I think we'll make a couple of treats to take with us for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  My 2 daughters and 2 sons-in-law are doing ALL the cooking.  Knowing we were not going to be home long, I offered to bring the wine and some snacks.  That I can handle.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. sounds like a busy time for sure! I hate air line delays and rushing to get to the next gate - that is why I rarely fly I'm sure! Happy Thanksgiving to you

  2. The looked like someplace warm!! Good for you!


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