
Saturday, November 26, 2022

No more sewing withdrawal

 After being gone for a week, then having a day with grandkids, followed by a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family - I was happy to have some sewing time on Friday.  No Black Friday shopping for me!  Just Black Friday sewing, and then another Quilt of Valor presentation. 

On the RSC front, I assembled Column 4 of the small hearts project, and then added that one to the first 3 completed.  It's really beginning to take shape.  There are probably enough 4.5" hearts left in the basket to begin assembling another vertical column.  And then I'll just continue making more of them during 2023 as various colors are announced.  I'm aiming for 9 vertical columns of hearts. 

I also made the 9" and 6" versions of the 5th Sewcialites 2 block.  It's called Empower and designed by Carrie Nelson.  Getting this one to lay flat without cutting off points is definitely fitting the definition of being empowered.  The green 9" version wasn't too difficult.  And I even used the extra triangles for a 3.5"  pinwheel block.  Not sure where it will go, but maybe as part of the back or label.

The 6" (finished) block required a bit more concentration.  But it turned out great, much to my surprise.  Now to see if I can manage that teensy tiny 3" version.  

And I got the top 2 rows sewn together for the Nanci's Stars RSC project. 

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge:


  1. it sounds like you had been very busy for a couple of days and now have time for sewing again - your blocks look good and have fund quilting this weekend

  2. Looks like you went right back to sewing! :)

  3. Thanks to you I am discovering new blocks. Nanci's Stars are just my style, simple but very effective. The alternate "white" blocks look as though they could be made of satin when the contrast is low. Lovely.

  4. I love those colourful columns of hearts!

  5. Black Friday sewing sounds like a perfect way to spend the day, Sara! Those hearts are going to make such a sweet quilt. Glad you're continuing on with them!

  6. I was having withdrawls too, hadn't sewn for 2.5 days! That's really unusual for me. It felt good to get back at it today. I really like your new empowered blocks, pretty greens.

  7. Wow -- did you do all of those on Friday? I'm impressed. I kept stopping to read a book while I was trying to make a backing fabric, load and quilt a top. I'll be finishing the quilting tomorrow hopefully.

  8. Sewing is the very best way to spend Black Friday, in my opinion! You really got a lot done, your blocks are sharp!


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