
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Saturday sewing and reading

 One itty bitty block is done and the other is in progress.  A success in spite of the challenges.

One inch half square triangles - 20 of them in a single 3.5” block.  Plus 4 more HSTs just a bit bigger at 1.5”.  Yikes!!  This was certainly a test of my fine motors skills - and accurate cutting and stitching.  I feel pretty confident about my cutting skills and of accurate seams.  However, it was sometimes challenging to just hold onto the small pieces.  

I pressed all of the seams open, and I used Best Press, which did make a difference.  The wool ironing mat also helped make these little bits lay flat. The thought that the block designer was punishing us briefly flitted through my brain.  But once this one was done I felt really proud of myself.  The designer was clever to name it Empower. LOL

After finishing the black and bright one, I got started on the red and white version.  The tiny HSTs are all stitched, but still need to be pressed and trimmed to size. However, I decided I really needed a break to sew larger pieces for awhile.  Since that bag of fall fabrics was still sitting on the floor next to my cutting station, that is where I turned.

Four new garlic knot blocks are complete, and added to the 5 that were already in the bag.  Some of the parts for the new ones were also in the bag.  I quickly cut what I needed to finish them.  

And today I’ll hopefully get that other 3” Sewcialites block finished.  And I should get the naked Christmas tree decorated.  All of that MIGHT happen if I can pull myself away from the book I’m reading - Before We Were Yours, by Lisa Wingate.  

On Thanksgiving Day daughter #1 recommended this book and a couple of others to her sister and I.  We had been talking about how frustrating it is to try to solve some of the mysteries in family history, and the topic came around to adoptions and how secretive they often were.  This is a fascinating novel based on the true story about a woman who ran a child trafficking business from the 1920s until 1950.  

Once I finish the novel I plan to dive into a couple of the other recommended books with the real stories of the criminal Georgia Tann.  The topic hits close to home as I have never been able to find my own half brother given up for adoption in 1948.  This is one of those books that is difficult to put down.


  1. I read this book years ago, it was so sad and tragic! I'm sorry you haven't been able to trace your brother.

    Way to go piecing those little blocks! I had blocks like that when I pieced Nearly Insane years ago. That quilt was also aptly named. Happy stitching!

  2. Eeeeek those are some tiny pieces, you have more patience than me for sure!! My tree is partially lit, the grandsons helped put it up-you might say it needs a bit of tweaking;)

  3. That was a really good read! Sorry you cannot find your brother, have you done the Ancestry test. That might be worth a shot. My husband did it and an unknown daughter of his cousin showed up and they reunited. Maybe contact Long Lost Family!! I love that show!

  4. my goodness .. such wee little bits. I would have to PP those to get them anywhere near usable... but yours are so so lovely ... well done you ...

    Your story of your brother touched my heart ... I have personally lived with the adoption search, it is not a fun thing to go through. Although here in Australia things are a little more open to get information .. and I did find my missing child.

    Not sure if you have tried the DNA search. I think it is with or one like it ... one of my cousins was given a test for her birthday as a unique type of gift and by happenchance located a daughter of my Aunt that no one was aware of who just happens to be a full sister ... they have since met and all is good between them ... such a sad choice my aunt was forced to make.
    They have also been reunited with a couple of cousins who drifted away from the "family turmoil" as teens .. meeting up had good result also...
    I truly wish you the absolute best in your search.

  5. We read this book for book club last year. Absolutely loved it!


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