
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Playing hooky

 Yesterday saw no sewing whatsoever.  It's good to play hooky once in awhile and just spend time with friends doing something relaxing together.

I hosted 3 friends yesterday for an afternoon of card playing.  We played Hand and Foot - a good game to play while talking and laughing together.  And we drank hot apple cider and ate lots of yummy snacks all afternoon.  

Today I'll do a little sewing, do some monthly budget updates for work, and then get a pedicure this afternoon in anticipation of the tropical trip planned next week.  

Tomorrow morning our Quilts of Valor group is presenting 3 quilts to veterans at a luncheon event.  And tomorrow evening we're going to a retirement party for a friend.  


  1. sounds like you had a nice fun day and plan to do more on your upcoming trip

  2. Nothing wrong with playing hooky, especially when you’re having fun with friends.

  3. You had me at Tropical trip, LOL. Where are you heading?

  4. Taking a break to hang out with friends feeds the soul just as the stitching does.

  5. I play Hand and Foot with Jen and Andy in the winter it is a fun game!


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