
Friday, November 11, 2022

Veteran's Day

 A big thank you to all of the Veteran's in my life!  They include my dad, my grandfathers, my father-in-law, several uncles, 2 brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews-by-marriage, cousins, and more.

Earlier this year one of my cousins gathered photos of each of our fathers for a special Memorial Day edition of her local newspaper.  All 6 brothers served proudly in the military.  At our family reunion over Labor Day she had a laminated copy for each of us.  My dad is 3rd from the left.  All 3 oldest brothers served in combat during WWII.  The next 2 brothers were Korean War era, and the youngest brother served just after the Korean War.  

This morning I'll be helping with the presentation of several Quilts of Valor at the local Veteran's Day luncheon hosted by the VFW and Legion organizations.  I'm very honored to have a small part in recognizing the veterans in the community.

Two of the newest block sets made by our group went to QOV group members to assemble into tops.  And I've made 5 more QOV blocks this week.  These have been my Leader/Enders as I worked on other things all week.  There will be more!


  1. Thanks to your family members for their service. What a cool newspaper tribute to them.

  2. Thank you so much for lending your time and talents to the Quilt of Valor Project!!

  3. Three out of four of my Mom’s brothers served in WWII: one Army and two Air Force. Thankfully, they all came home.


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