
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Quilts of Valor

On Veteran's Day last week our group was privileged to award 2 Quilts of Valor in front of a very large crowd at the local Veteran's Day luncheon. There was supposed to be a third gentleman that day, but he has Covid unfortunately.  So we'll make arrangements for that one to be presented once he is recovered.

The ladies with me draped the quilts, and I did the speaking and photography.  

Then on Sunday I was lucky enough to present a quilt back in the small town (150 people) we used to live in - and it was to my brother-in-law.  He has served in uniform since he graduated from high school.  First he served in the military, then has devoted his life to law enforcement currently as the county sheriff.  This one was kept a surprise until we called him to come up front. 

 Have I said how honored I always feel being a part of the Quilts of Valor program?  


  1. It's always fun seeing the awards of QOVs. How cool that you got to the award for your BIL.

  2. What a wonderful surprise for your BIL and that you could present it to him!

  3. How wonderful!! Thank you for all you do for the Quilts of Valor program!

  4. Bravo to your group for honoring these veterans!

  5. That's such a lovely thing to do, and the veterans must be so delighted to be honoured in this way. It must be even more special when the presentation is to a family member.

  6. I love it! the quilts are so pretty - but the smiles on your peoples faces ( all of them) are the best... you did great!!!

  7. Such a wonderful thing you are doing ... men and women all over the world are at last being shown what they once did or are still doing is so appreciated ...

    thank you and your group for honouring your heroes


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