
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Wildlife refuge

Our backyard is a safe place for all the wildlife that visits, and now my husband has really compounded the whole issue.  He's FEEDING them! 

Wild turkeys pass through our neighborhood, and yard, a couple of times a day.  Early in the summer we had 2 mama turkeys with a whole flock of little ones.  And then about a month ago we started seeing a mama turkey with 8 little ones from a late hatch.  Now she has only 6, but they seem to have joined forces with the big group.  

And now that Dave keeps tossing bird seed onto the back lawn, those turkeys have been going crazy out there.  It's a feast.  And now the squirrels just join the fun.  Yesterday we counted 10 squirrels.  He had to grease the poles on the hanging bird feeders to keep the squirrels away.

And we have deer who've discovered the easy feeding and stop by too.  The deer also are frequent visitors whether we feed them or not. 


  1. we used to have so many in our backyard years ago and then they just stopped for some reason and I haven't seen them back there in so long - I miss seeing them

  2. Oh how fun!! We have bird feeders out, but that is as far as my hubby will allow me to go. LOL ;) I do use bird seed on our sidewalks in the winter~ good for traction if they are slippery, and fun to watch the birds.

  3. Turkeys leave lots of fertilizer...don't ask me how I know!

  4. That's quite a flock (or is a group of turkeys called something else?). At least you have the option for some cool nature photography.


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