
Monday, December 26, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Dec. 26

 The final Monday of 2022 is here. And it's UFO list making time!  Do you make lists? I'm a list maker for everything - tasks needing completion for work, stops I need to make when running errands, grocery lists, and more.  Lists make me look organized, even if I'm not really very organized.  LOL

I've been working on my list for the APQ UFO Challenge for 2023.  They posted a new list document online to use with 12 projects.  They draw a number at the first of each month to determine which UFO to work on.  I went through the quilt tops hanging in my sewing room closet, and the project boxes.  My list required 3 pages - just for the projects that have been started, but not finished!  That's crazy!!!  And I'm sure I'm missing some, but decided to stop here. For now anyway.  

I made a lot of quilt tops in 2022, meaning quite a few of these are listed as "flimsies", so they are ready to quilt and bind.  The tops in the photo are just the ones that haven't been quilted yet.  These should be easy finishes, as the hard part is done, right? 

Then I started looking at the PIGS - Projects In Grocery Sacks.  These would be kits that I've purchased, or projects that I've kitted up with pattern and fabrics together.  There are MANY more kits than this, but these are the ones I "plan" to prioritize. Guess it's a good starting point anyway.  Maybe I'll just keep adding to the PIG list all year as squirrels distract me with shiny new projects.  Because we all know that I'll be distracted with new projects.  That's how it stays fun and exciting!

Some kits I already know I'll never make, so I should re-home them. There could be some give-aways happening in 2023.  Some of the fabrics from the kits could be put back into the stash.  

Just to prove my "geekiness", I also keep a spreadsheet running during the year.  It tracks my finishes - UFOs, PIGS, or new projects, and there is another page just for block finishes.  I was quite surprised to see that I didn't make any bags this year.  And I didn't make nearly as many pillowcases as usual.  But I did finish 20 quilts, plus donated one more as just a quilt top. Lots of sewing!

I'll go through these lists and pick the 12 that I want to put onto my PHD (projects half done) list for the local quilt shop.  Those will be my highest priority projects for 2023.  I finished 10 out of 12 this year, and did 12 out of 12 in 2021. The shop rewards us with gifts certificates based on the number of finishes we bring in and show.  It's a great motivator!

What's on your design wall this week?


  1. I am also a list maker. I haven't participated in APQ's challenge for a number of years, but I have joined Quilting Gail in her PHD challenge. My list is slightly shorter than yours and I, too, may find more. Good luck with the challenge.

  2. Maybe I am unorganized person because the only real written list I make consistently is the grocery list, LOL. Any other list is all in my head, haha. Oh gosh I would be embarrased to list my UFO's, not to mention how sick to my stomach it would make me. But I am going to work on a few over the winter. Good luck with yours!

  3. You are way ahead of me on goals for 2023. I have downloaded the APQ form but haven't taken the time to figure out what needs to be done. I still need to figure out how I did this year. For a first year I wasn't too disappointed but I know I didn't finish everything on the list. I might choose to put more flimsies on the list so I can have some fast finishes in the mix. I "hope" I'll have a better plan for 2023 by the end of the year. And, yes I'm a list maker and use them unless I lose them. ARGH!

  4. Great job on the lists, and great motivation! I have a list but tend to get sidetracked by new QALs!

  5. I love the APQS UFO challenge. Four years ago I could not have told you what I had finished during the year. The combination of the UFO list and regular blogging has kept me much more accountable. I have my 2023 sheets printed out, but I haven’t gotten filled out yet. That is a on my to-do list for this week.

  6. I have 3 pages as well. I have one for quilts, one for bags, and another for other projects. I hope to get more accomplished this year.


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