
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Windmills - the last finish of 2022

 First I have to share a picture of our Christmas Eve visitor. This young buck stood outside our family room, and watched us watching him.  Off to the right were 2 more, a doe with this spring's fawn.

We live right in town, but our backyard looks out onto a valley that makes for a perfect "highway" for wildlife passing through.  Plus we have no dogs to chase them away. I just don't get tired of watching the deer and turkeys, or the birds at my feeders.

The final finish for 2022 is this child size Windmill quilt.  It will be a donation quilt.  This block is charm square friendly, but can be done in any size square. You just need 2 squares of each color for a block, stack them right sides up, cut them on a diagonal - and square up the 4 sections after sewing.


  1. Cute quilt, a very nice last quilt of 2022. Where we live now, we hardly have any wildlife. We've got a few squirrels, chipmunks and a rabbit. Coons and groundhogs can stay away though!

  2. Congrats on getting one more bright and fun finish for 2022. Hope you get in some good stitching time this last week of 2022. Good luck with all your plans for 2023.

  3. Your wildlife sounds/looks just like ours, we never tire of seeing them either-unless they are eating my flowers etc. We have had a 10 point buck visit last fall, what a handsome fella:) Congrats on another finish!

  4. such a pretty deer in the snow - I love to see them up close but mostly I must miss seeing the deer wander through out yard - I do no they are there we forest around our land

  5. The Windmill quilt is cheerful and will make the recipient smile.

  6. I miss seeing the deer in our back yard when we lived in Alberta. We had moose as well! Here in southern Ontario, the deer are scarce :-( That's a great donation quilt!

  7. Absolutely fabulous windmill quilt. I LOVE the color, motion and design! Some child will be happy to have this one.

  8. I love watching the birds and wildlife too~ one of the reasons we love going to Yellowstone. ;-) The windmills are really cute.

  9. Congrats on the Windmill finish! Love the colors, so cheerful. We love watching birds and wildlife too (only birds in our area). We went for a hike about 2 weeks ago and spotted stags, small and big.


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