
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Another Quilt of Valor presentation

 I know I’ve said it before, but I have so say this again.  Being involved with the Quilts of Valor program is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in recent years.

The gentleman seated was supposed to receive his quilt on Veteran’s Day, but was ill so his presentation was postponed until he was feeling better.  That day arrived this week.  He is a Purple Heart recipient from the Korean War. The other 3 gentlemen are previous QOV recipients who came to the presentation to honor him, and they each brought their quilts with them. The state American Legion president attended, as well as the current Veteran’s Service Officer for our region.  

One of the men standing told me that he has instructed his family that his quilt must be displayed at his funeral, and then kept in the family.  He really treasures the quilt he received from us last year.

I am humbled.


  1. nice complements from the men - it is nice it means something to him he wants it displayed at his funeral

  2. Your QOV group is making an impact in your community and in the lives of veterans. Well done!

  3. That is so awesome that the other 3 guys came and with their quilts too!

  4. How wonderful! My Dad was also a Korean Veteran and received a quilt. I have both his quilt and his flag from the Honor Guard. They are treasured. <3

  5. What a great group - I love that they brought their quilts back so they all could be wrapped in them... so sweet!!!


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