
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Prepping some projects

Since I've been choosing some priority projects for 2023, a little bit of organizing and prep work made some sense.  I didn't make any bags in 2022, but I did have fabrics sorted out for some that just didn't get made.  I had the outer fabrics for 3 of the Sew Together bags quilted, but never went any further with those bags. 

I went through the stash this week and pulled choices for the inner linings, pockets, binding, etc for these.  The pieces for all 3 bag are all cut and ready to go.

While digging in the stash I came across these 2 "orphan" blocks.  These were left over from a project several years ago, and ended up in the bottom of a drawer. I think these will make excellent mug rugs.  There were also some crazy black and white backing scraps in the backing drawer, so these are ready for some quick quilting, and binding. 

Parts are cut for a dozen more of the Plaid blocks.  The paper plates are great for sorting out block parts, and stacking the plates on the sewing table within reach.  

I'm working through multiple scrappy colors right now, getting ready for RSC23.  Can't wait to see what color is chosen for January (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) 2023, and I'll get busy with that color too. The parts for 6 new Pyramid blocks are laying on another paper plate.  Parts for nearly a dozen of the Small Hearts blocks are on another paper plate.   


  1. Cleaning/organizing the bins and drawers and prepping for the new year is a great motivator.

  2. I love the idea of a backing drawer~ right now I have a backing pile. I need to get busy quilting in 2023! :-) I use paper plates too~ so handy! Happy New Year!

  3. Sometimes prepping is half the battle and then when you have time or in the mood to just sew the projects are all ready and waiting.

  4. Organizing is a good start of a new quilting year. Those Loralie (?) blocks are so cute and perfect for mug rugs. Great idea to use paper plates. Happy New (Quilting) Year!

  5. Lots of fun blocks to get made this year. I need to start making a to do list.

  6. The bright prints will keep you awake! I look forward to seeing the finished bags. I have a couple of RSC blocks and projects in mind.

  7. It's fun to see the different projects you are working on. I have several tucked away. I need to just get them out and work on them.


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