
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ready for Christmas

 Although we aren't celebrating our family Christmas until New Years Day this year, I'm mostly ready for the holiday.  We're hosting again this year so it's extra fun to make sure the house is decorated.  I just don't get quite so carried away as I did in past years.

The stockings are hung - and mostly filled up with stocking stuffers. I really enjoy seeing all of the stockings hanging up.  That big Santa face stocking belongs to my oldest grandson, who is 11.  At some point he may decide he wants a more "grown up" stocking.  Every year the grandkids each get a new pillowcase in their stockings, plus some other fun little items.  Grandpa is getting a pillowcase this year too.  He picked out the fabric last summer, so he gets the pillowcase I made with it. 

The big tree is up, and most of the gifts are wrapped and under it.  This tree is decorated with lots of fun ornaments I've collected over the years. I try to find one whenever we're on a trip. I do collect some specific ornaments too. There are lot of glass icicles, angels, and crystal stars.  Some ornaments are handmade - by me, or my kids, or friends.  

This angel is one of only 2 surviving angel ornaments from my childhood. She a little shabby, but I love her.  Some were special gifts. I love my eclectic tree, and enjoy the memories for each ornament as I unpack them every year.

There is only one gift that hasn't arrived yet, and a few little things to wrap.  My tradition with the kids is something to wear, something to read, and something fun to "play" with.  That little quilt hanging behind the tree is a finish from over 20 years ago.  I appliqued the Santas and reindeer, and hand quilted it, while sitting in the bleachers during summer basketball camps when the youngest daughter was too young to drive, probably 13 or so.  She just turned 39 last week.  

My dining room has a pencil tree that stays up all year.  I enjoy being able to see it when I'm sitting at the desk in my office.  It's usually very minimally decorated - often just a seasonal garland or some flowers that I change out.  

This year I put my cardinal ornaments on it instead of hanging them on the big tree.  It seemed fitting, since my cardinal quilt is hanging on the dining room wall.  


  1. Pretty decorations. I like the idea of keeping a tree up all year and changing the decorations to match the season. Since I downsized, I have a very small tree (about 3’), a stocking (stitched by my sister), and some of my Mom’s handwork on display.

  2. Love the cardinal quilt!!! Looks like it could've been finished last week! So many Christmas stockings!!! Fun! Merry Christmas, Sara!!!

  3. How fun to have a tree and a quilt in the same theme, such pretty cardinals flitting about the feeder. Yep I would say you are ready for the Holidays;)

  4. Your home is so pretty and festive! Merry Christmas!


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