
Thursday, December 22, 2022


UPDATE:  wind chill is -47, with actual temps of -18 this Thursday morning!!  Brrrrr! 

No sewing for me yesterday.  

Due to the impending winter weather, the college basketball games in the area were rescheduled - from 7 pm games to noon games.  That allowed the visiting teams to hit the road home before the weather got worse.  So at 9:30 am we hit the road for Brookings. The photo may look bad, but the road itself was dry all the way to and from the game.  And the Jacks won!!  

We got back home by 4 in the afternoon, and it started to snow about half an hour later.  Good timing!

Since we expect a high today of about -8 below zero, I think I’ll stay home and sew today. 


  1. if it was that weather in Arkansas a lot of people would have been freaking out - here they are for what will be the next two days right now it is 40 it will be 20 in a couple hours and down to 5 tonight and wind chill -17 - I'm staying in for two days LOL - no laughing matter here actually as our houses in the south are not insulated as well as the houses in the north and our water pipes are not as deep

  2. The temperatures are nearly the same in Laramie this morning. About an inch of snow fell last night, but it’s hard to tell because of the wind.

  3. It's OF here with very strong winds. I've not looked at the wind chills, but I'm sure they are down there. Not as cold as it is where you are I'm sure. Stay warm and enjoy your stitching time.

  4. Glad you got back in time!!
    We have similar temps and I am not a fan!!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  5. We only had 3-4" snow last night and brr cold this morning at -13 according to the radio. I will be in my sewing room too;) Stay warm and safe!


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