
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sewcialites block 10

 The Sewcialites 2, block #10 has been a challenge!  It's called Flourish by Lori Holt.  

I have the green 9" version done, and that one went together smoothly. If I've counted correctly this block has 53 pieces in it.  In the 9" version those pieces were pretty manageable.  But in that red and white 3" version, those 53 pieces gave me fits!

Maybe I'll get my other 2 versions done before the next block comes out.  The 6" version is the one I'm doing in bright batiks from a layer cake.  The second 3" block has a black background, which will be much more difficult for me in the teeny tiny pieces.  My personal challenge of doing these 3" blocks is aimed at improving my accuracy and skills, so I'm determined to get them done. 


  1. I applaud your determination for sure!! And I will enjoy looking at your success;)

  2. the smaller the block the harder it seems to get!

  3. Your blocks look great, Sara. I was moving right along on mine (9") until I realized I somehow switched two fabrics in two of the flying geese.

  4. Both blocks look great. Your first 3" block looks fantastic. You are definitely braver and much more patient than I am.

  5. I applaud you for working with all those teeny pieces to create a beautiful block.

  6. Your 3" block looks great! I can't imagine how tedious it is to work with those little pieces, but good for you for challenging yourself. Love the greens in the big block.


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