
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Sewcialites - some planning

 Block #10 is finished in all 4 of my colors, just in time for today's release of Block #11.  Does that mean I'm actually behind and not really caught up?  LOL

The batik 6" version went together really well, in spite of the crazy number of pieces.  I've decided that it's very helpful to press those small units and square them up before sewing sections together.  The 3" version with the black background also went together better than the 3" red and white one did.  I ended up leaving the center as a simple square instead of putting those snowball corners on.  It was kind of accidental, as I forgot those corners and decided there was no way I was taking it apart to change it.  It looks just fine without them.

The red and white 3" blocks are going to be added to this red and white project started last year as part of the Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR).  I started with the schoolhouse block, then added the diamonds and squares in opposite corners.  That was all the further I got before setting it aside.  So now I'm playing with ideas for how to incorporate these little Sewcialites blocks.  Should I keep going with the asymmetrical look and add the diamonds with the small blocks like this one above?  This layout leaves a lot of white areas in this quilt, which I don't mind at all.  

Or should I replace the white corners with the diamonds and squares to make all 4 corners look alike?  Then I can put the little squares around.  This version reduces the large areas of white. 

I can't decide which layout I like better, so I welcome your thoughts.  Or maybe someone out there will have a NEW idea to try.  Thanks in advance!


  1. I like your first layout as it gives the eye a place to rest. I think your beautiful 3" blocks shine more in the first layout, too.

  2. Your Sewcialites blocks are looking good. The colors in the black one just pop. I like the asymmetrical look best. Either way it's going to be a fun quilt.

  3. Pressing makes a world of difference: I press each unit I sew. My eye seems to like the first layout the best.

  4. Love the first version! The dark red "star" looks great!


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