
Friday, January 13, 2023

Work gets in the way of fun

 Once a year there is an "all hands" meeting and training schedule for my very part time job.  Next week is that week for 2023.  I'll most likely be MIA from my blog a good share of next week, as there will probably be nothing interesting to talk about or share.  Looking at the schedule of topics, I'm hoping that I'll be excused for part of Thursday and I can escape to do a little shopping.

And my monthly hours to update project budgets came yesterday and today.  That severely cuts into my sewing time - but I keep reminding myself that I'm earning my "fun money" every hour I work.

I need to point out the ADORABLE new mug rug on my desk!!  A big thank you shout out to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for this cutie!!  My thanks to her are way overdue, as it came in a Christmas card a couple of weeks ago.  Do you see the little snowman peeking out?  He has 3 tiny red sparkly buttons, and there is gold trim, and sparkly thread too.  LeeAnna is a very creative artist with fiber, paint, embellishments - most any media she uses.  Thank you my friend!


  1. yes remind yourself this is your fun money and maybe the job won't be annoying to do but interesting? we will be waiting for you when you return

  2. At least it's only a week of training. Hopefully you'll get in a bit of stitching time each day to hold you till you get back to the part time hours.

  3. Fun mug rug! I hope the training goes well and that you’re able to squeeze in some shopping, too.


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