
Monday, February 27, 2023

Design Wall Monday - Feb. 27

 Sunday was very productive, and I focused on things I had on my To Do list from last weekend.  Focus was the key word for me - for a change.  No squirrels crossed my path.

The first task was to finish the Valentine pillow.  The 20" pillow front was already done and the back pieces were hemmed and ready.  All that remained was sandwiching that front with batting and a random fabric before quilting.  Originally I planned more complicated quilting, but decided there was nothing wrong with simple.  So - it's completely done, quilted and bound.  Check it off the list!!!

The 3 pocket zippers have been sewn into the pocket linings for the next Sew Together bag.  The next step will be attaching those side pieces (black with pink dots) to the pockets, which is - for me - the most difficult step in making this bag.  

I used a cream and pink batik for that lining. The outside of the bag is that Laurel Burch cat print with lots of pinks, aquas, and yellows.  The side panels are the black with pink dots, and I'm binding it with the aqua.  Kind of a fun color palette. 

One last priority project from last week's To Do list was to blanket stitch the applique pieces for the second Saturday Sampler block.  And that was also accomplished.  

The only section NOT blanket stitched is that top tape measure piece, because that will extend onto another block later in the project.  The thread and bobbin are in a baggy and tucked into the project box along with the first 2 blocks, the pattern, and all of the fabrics I've gathered. I sure don't want anything getting lost in my sewing room - because I'm doing some rearranging this week, which means the mess will get worse before it gets better. 

What is on your design wall today?


  1. That pillow is just adorable! Good for you moving things forward this weekend:)

  2. I love when I can keep my entire project together so something doesn't get "taken" for another project. Great accomplishments this weekend.

  3. I’m glad you’re feeling better and had productive weekend. All the color in your projects can chase the Winter blues away.

  4. Your Valentine's pillow is gorgeous; such a fabulous pattern. Love the fabric for the mannequin in your Saturday Sampler block.


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