
Saturday, February 25, 2023

RSC23 - week 7

 Sewing of any kind was very hit or miss this week as both my husband and I ended up with a wicked stomach virus.  A couple of days were totally lost, and then it took a couple more days to begin getting some energy back. And in the meantime we were snowed in anyway thanks to 3 days of winter storm and blizzard weather.  Thursday was a "digging out" day mostly.

Friday was finally a good sewing day, with a little focus on projects that have been on my To Do list, and a little focus on things not on that list as well. One pink Rainbow Connection block joined the other 16 already made.  These finish at 11 inches, so I'm aiming for 20 blocks total plus a border added. 

A project that has NOT been on my To Do list lately was a jelly roll project called Framed 9-Patch, and since the project box was sitting close to the top of the stack, and since I knew there was quite a bit of pink in there . . . a few new blocks were added to the neglected collection.    

One of the days when I just didn't have much energy, I did cut the 6" friendship squares for guild of the pink cactus print I bought in Arizona.  That makes 2 of the 3 fabrics cut and ready to share, with just the New Mexico one left to cut.

One of my goals for the week had involved getting caught up with the Sewcialites blocks, but I must admit defeat on that.  There was progress - and the collections are growing , but I'm not completely caught up yet.  I added sticky-notes to the patterns for Block #16 and #13 to remind me where I stopped.  None of the #16 blocks are done.  They're not even cut out.  It will happen eventually but for now it can wait.  Block #13 just needs the 3" version with the black background.  

Block #17 was a happy block for me, because it was quick and easy.  All 4 versions went together with no issues.  This is Simplicity by Vanessa Goertzen.  Thank you Vanessa for a quick block.  

A few other things happened as well this week . . .

** put together my new floor lamp for my cutting table area
** hemmed the 2 backing pieces for the Valentine pillow
** cut some pieces for small pink hearts
** prepped next section to sew on a bag (started in January)

What is the rest of the RSC World playing with this week?


  1. digging out from a massive snow storm must not have been fun after several sick days, it always takes a bit to get your energy back.

  2. Love that pink cactus print! Your blocks look great, and I'm so glad you're feeling better. Stomach bugs are the worst. And my condolences on your hubby being sick, too. I know that made everything worse! :) Have a lovely day!

  3. Digging out took all the energy out of us too, especially after the plough came past. Getting over any bug is a slow process, you did a lot even with everything else on your plate. The things we do not get to, we get done in time. All your projects looks amazing. We have to be kind to ourselves. Have a wonderful day.

  4. You will remember February 2023! Makes you wish you’d stayed in Arizona a little longer, doesn’t it? (But if your furnace was on the fritz while you were gone, that would not be a good thing.). The Simplicity block is part of Bonnie Hunter’s Bear Branch, a pattern I’d really like to make. Hope you’re feeling better.

  5. You have lots of fun blocks to share, in spite of your week not sounding fun at all! I like those framed 9 patches - they'll make a pretty quilt. And your pink cactus fabric is adorable! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. seeing those pink blocks...and the snow...we've had NONE all winter and with flowers starting to show, doubt we will see any. it'll be spring here in just a couple of weeks...

  7. Glad to hear you & hubby are either recovered or well on your way to recovery. Your framed 9-patches are beautiful as is your Rainbow Connection block. Hope your weekend is going full steam ahead again.

  8. Pretty pink blocks! You will have a better week this week:)

  9. I was hit by the bug a couple weeks ago and lost a whole week. We also had the winter storm, but not as bad as East River. We were dug out by Thursday afternoon.


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