
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

An Easter bunny finish & more kits

The binding was finished in the car on Saturday afternoon.  Binding a small project is a good road trip project, as long as the road isn't too rough. 

I kept the quilting simple.  A paper template helped with those curves quilted into each bunny ear, and the rest of the quilting used the serpentine stitch along straight lines.  

I had a specific size in mind, which is why the sides are wider than those bottom strips.  

The bunny head is actually from the Fancy Forest pattern by Elizabeth Hartman.  It has a variety of forest critters, and someday I might make more of them.

While I had binding on my mind, another small project got some binding sewn on as well.  This will be a pillow cover, but I'll wait to share more once it's actually done.  The hand stitching remains. 

Three more kits are front and center.  Like the Strippee quilts, I always have a stack of pillowcase kits lined up and ready to sew.  The chili pepper kit was actually purchased on our trip this winter, but the other 2 were kitted up by me.  Making these pillowcases in April is being added to my goals for the month.  Do these count as a UFO or maybe just a WIP?  I donate lots of pillowcases during the year, but also gift a lot of them.  


  1. The bunnies turned out just as sweet as I imagined they would;)

  2. I used to take needle and thread with me in the car but then between my eyes and the road I wasn't able to do the work very well. I find it hard to focus right in the car with the needle.

  3. Cute Bunnies! Hard to think Easter with so much snow:)

  4. The bunnies are adorable and will look sweet on your table.


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